Danny Harf's signature handle.
Danny Harf's signature handle.
80 Ft floating hard silicone coated Dyneema mainline
80 Ft floating hard silicone coated Dyneema mainline
The only double handle package in Ronixs line up.
The only double handle package in Ronixs line up.
Ronix most affordable package with a sleek coated mainline.
Ronix most affordable package with a sleek coated mainline.
A more forgiving mainline and a softer handle grip.
A more forgiving mainline and a softer handle grip.
If this handle was a fortune cookie it would say great joy awaits you.
If this handle was a fortune cookie it would say great joy awaits you.
Much like coffee - this set up has a little extra pep in its step with a built in bungee to spring you into the wave.
Available in four colors.
Much like coffee - this set up has a little extra pep in its step with...
Swing weight is a thing of the past from Ronixs thinnest profile lightweight construction minimalist performer.
Swing weight is a thing of the past from Ronixs thinnest profile light...
a ride for all styles and abilities.
a ride for all styles and abilities.
Turbo charge your cutbacks with this new high speed lightweight whip.
Turbo charge your cutbacks with this new high speed lightweight whip.
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